Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Hair. I am not easily bothered, but I can't stand when hair is on the soap. But why? In general, why are people so disgusted by things that leave the body (besides the obvious...). I mean, you run your fingers blissfully though your locks, but when the brush goes through, the build up of locks magically transforms into "disgusting." You purse your lips, and with elbow straight, pinch the hair and throw it away as soon as possible. And fingernails.

Ya, they are fine when still attached to your hand, but the second they are severed, it makes most cringe. Why? That millisecond didn't create some sort of chemical change that will contaminate. It kinda makes me chuckle. From my limited perspective, this culture is to easily disgusted by normal bodily functions- especially girls.

Girls (in general) are so grossed out by guys spitting. Shhhh.... those girls don't realize that that same spit that ends up watering the grass, is the same spit that ends up in their mouths during make-out sessions. As long as the spit doesn't leave the body, its ok, but the second it does, its time to get your bio-haz suit on. Hmmm.... one could go extreme and create an analogy- how this reflects some sort of human nature of casting away that which has been removed from the body.... but lets leave it at face value. Do what you want... but just don't leave your hair on my soap.... or else.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

I think that I like this word.

It creates this protective aura of purity. Other cheap words on the street are willing to pay you to use them. But just as the word entails, zeal is better than that. Its high standards for itself won't let anyone take advantage of it. Whilest popular words like "passion" and "intensity" are casually passed around and beaten raw. Diligent in enthusiasm, zeal proudly won't settle for less than it deserves.

Zeal comes easy for only one...
Isaiah 42:13 The LORD will march out like a mighty man,
like a warrior he will stir up his zeal;
with a shout he will raise the battle cry
and will triumph over his enemies.

But we are called to be zealous...

Romans 12:9-13 Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. 10Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. 11Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. 12Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. 13Share with God's people who are in need. Practice hospitality.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

In case you haven't lived, I will tell you how. Drink Bubble Tea. In case you have never seen Bubble Tea before, for no extra charge, I am displaying it here -->

Bubble Tea gets its name from the frothy bubbles that are produced when it is shaken (not stirred). One of the things that makes it so interesting is the chewy tapioca balls which come up through a wide straw while you are drinking the tea. Oh, and it originated in Taiwan...
(for more info visit Wikipedia.org)

But really, all that matters is that it tastes yummy and is a highly satisfying experience that is highly recommended.

Unfortunately, the closest place to Tallahassee that has Bubble Tea is in Gainesville. Talk to you later.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Oh, really? Who told you that? Pretty much everyone says that. Do they really believe it? Do you really believe it?

SAFE: secure from liability to harm, injury, danger, or risk

Who is to say that anything (by this definition) is safe? Well, you can't really ever say that anything is 100% safe, but that isn't the point here. The point is, is being safe really better than being sorry?
Taking risks is how you change and grow. If you never took risks, even the simplest things you wouldn't be able to do (like walk). Taking risks often leads to positive changes in the plot of your life, or even deeper, the theme of your life. Why do you think God allows us to take risks if He didn't want us to? I suggest that the only way to be safe is to "Trust in the LORD and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture" (Psalm 37:3). There is nothing in there that claims that being safe requires not taking risks in your life (don't read too much into it though by claiming that It says something that It doesn't say).

But besides being required to take risks, there is this innate giddiness that comes along with taking a risk. It is a feeling that brings back childhood memories. When we grow up, we get too "safe" and tend to lose this excitement. But why? We are taught to hide these childhood risks because they cause shaking in people's "safe" little worlds. People need a little shaking... to wake up! Are you living who you are called to be? Don't be afraid to take a risk. Especially that risk that has been eating you from the inside out. Minor earthquakes in your life are sometime necessary.

Just like with anything though, you can't too extreme with risk-taking... for obvious reasons.

(Disclaimer: I am not suggesting trying anything that will cause immediate physical, emotional, spiritual or psychological harm- take some responsibility for your actions. I don't like disclaimers bc I believe in personal responsibility, but until personal responsibility is always assumed, I need to add this.)