Today was the first day at the OSC. Its interesting how you can spend so much time away from a place and from people only to return to and feel as if you'd never left at all. Kind of like listening to a song that you haven't heard in ten years and yet you know all of the words. And just like songs, you notice new things about it that you never realized before.
A child-like excitement fills me when I think about teaching kindies this summer. Even though I've never worked so much with the young ones, I am extremely excited about the challenge. By teaching them things (which they aren't going to remember), you are really teaching them how to learn and remember things.
K80! this is Mitch, I just set one of these things up for when i'm in france. You are one of my fav's, just so you know. peace.
7:17 PM
you have one of these things, too. WTF K*) <--that's "k80" on shift
8:07 AM
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