Big whoop. Is this flimsy parchment, this paper that proves that for four years I did exactly what some old people told me to do, supposed to prove that I am now an official person? Because that is how the rest of the world puts it into perspective.
Looking back on it, the only real reason that I went to college is because its what you do when you get out of high school. It is sad to think that a lot of people are in the same situation and all of their lives they haven't had to make any real decisions. Having never practiced real decision making, its tough figuring out what to do for the rest of the time that is given to you. Guilty! I am in no position to be preaching about "good" decision making.
But then again, what is "good" decision making? What is there in life that proves that you made a good decision and that your time spent was worthwhile? I would hate to be the one to get stuck in the rut of doing just what society tells me to do. Not for the sake of being unique, nor a rebel, but for the sake of doing what is asked. Fearful of being molded completely into something that people "just do." Don't get me wrong, there has to be some sort of conformity to society (communication for example) but why do you think that He creates us all uniquely?
These four years spent in college and I am not a scholar, nor a philosopher, I don't even understand some of the most minute wonders of this world. But what I have learned these four years is to do my best to listen. He will lead me on the right path. I don't have to worry about choosing the most profitable career or the perfect place to raise a family, because I know that He will lead me and mold me into the person that he desires from which I will better His kingdom.

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