Oh, really? Who told you that? Pretty much everyone says that. Do they really believe it? Do you really believe it?
SAFE: secure from liability to harm, injury, danger, or risk
Who is to say that anything (by this definition) is safe? Well, you can't really ever say that anything is 100% safe, but that isn't the point here. The point is, is being safe really better than being sorry?
Taking risks is how you change and grow. If you never took risks, even the simplest things you wouldn't be able to do (like walk). Taking risks often leads to positive changes in the plot of your life, or even deeper, the theme of your life. Why do you think God allows us to take risks if He didn't want us to? I suggest that the only way to be safe is to "Trust in the LORD and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture" (Psalm 37:3). There is nothing in there that claims that being safe requires not taking risks in your life (don't read too much into it though by claiming that It says something that It doesn't say).
But besides being required to take risks, there is this innate giddiness that comes along with taking a risk. It is a feeling that brings back childhood memories. When we grow up, we get too "safe" and tend to lose this excitement. But why? We are taught to hide these childhood risks because they cause shaking in people's "safe" little worlds. People need a little shaking... to wake up! Are you living who you are called to be? Don't be afraid to take a risk. Especially that risk that has been eating you from the inside out. Minor earthquakes in your life are sometime necessary.
Just like with anything though, you can't too extreme with risk-taking... for obvious reasons.
(Disclaimer: I am not suggesting trying anything that will cause immediate physical, emotional, spiritual or psychological harm- take some responsibility for your actions. I don't like disclaimers bc I believe in personal responsibility, but until personal responsibility is always assumed, I need to add this.)
“If you have fear of some pain or suffering, you should examine whether there is anything you can do about it. If you can, there is no need to worry about it; if you cannot do anything, then there is also no need to worry.”-The Dalai Lama
"The whole secret of existence is to have no fear.
Never fear what will become of you, depend on no one.
Only the moment you reject all help are you freed. -The Buddha
"When you realize how perfect everything is you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky”-The Buddha
I just wanted to add some quotes to back my comments on why I agree with you :-D Fear is silly. Risks SHOULD be taken because there is nothing to worry about.
There are so many ways to look at life and yet see the same thing :-D
“The essence of all religions is one. Only their approaches are different.”-Gandhi
4:14 PM
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