Thursday, March 29, 2007

Its been minutes since my last blog. No obligation of eloquence.

I often wonder. Sometimes about the same unexplainable subjects, sometimes about random, seemingly silly things.

Last night, in bed my mind floated away to wonderings. Then, ironically, I started wondering why I create some of the best wonderings right before I start my REM cycle. Maybe this is a blessing, keeping me from spending all day trying to figure out wonderings, only leading me see myself as an unaccomplished blob by the end of the day. Maybe sleeping helps me solve those unexplainables. Or maybe during the day I am too distracted by the world to acheive som robust wonderings.

Nonetheless, I like to wonder. And I enjoy the word nonetheless. Which leads me to wonder why.


Blogger SvenJosefson said...

do you fuel your mind marathons with the question why?

2:36 PM

Blogger SvenJosefson said...

Your blogging pattern is like a legendary surf spot. The waves only breaks att odd times and usually in stormy conditions.

9:08 AM


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