10% of America's population controls 70% of its wealth. 90% of America's population is left with the remaining 30%. Cool. This is not to say that I am a Commie or anything, just to say that people are starving. The combined population of Florida, Oregon and Illinois is how many people in AMERICA (one of the monetarily richest countries in the world) are hungry.
This Christmas whilst you are opening gifts that you will stuff away in the closet, or complaining about not getting that new $500 iPod, or feeding your Christmas feast "scraps" to the dog, just remember that there are people at that very moment dying of hunger. And you think your minor family spews are bad. It wasn't your choice to be born into that family, just as it wasn't a child's choice to be born into a family that couldn't provide food or clean water. You might be fortunate enough to have never experienced hunger, but don't take it from me; as I (thankfully) have never experienced real physical hunger. A humble hypocrite like me has no right to judge the conscience of others; due to my obvious brokenness. Hopefully I can influence you to become aware of this problem of hunger....
Wake up! People are hungry! I challenge you to give up one gift from christmas and give the money to someone who can use it to put food in their belly. Oxfam has a great program that allows you to donate money to help out by... buying even a camel for a family! Out of thankfulness for all of the wonderful things you have, share your wealth with someone so that they might eat better than your dog this Cristmas.
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